Archive for March 2010

Black and White   Leave a comment

King Penguins are notorious for their prim, tuxedoed appearance — but a recently discovered all-black penguin seems unafraid to be otherwise.

This penguin was photographed on the isalnd of South Georgia near Africa.

According to some biologists, the color may be due to melanism, which is the occurrence of an increased amount of dark pigmentation. Melanism is common to other different species but rare to penguins.

It is just so fascinating to see an animal different from what we usually see.

For more animal writeups, try following this link,

Posted March 22, 2010 by scriven in Uncategorized

Rebus Puzzle   Leave a comment

They are essentially little pictures, often made with letters and words, which cryptically represent a word, phrase, or saying. Here are five of the main ways in which a rebus puzzle might encode its solution.


 One of the most common devices is the positioning of the words and symbols, both relative to the rectangle containing the puzzle, and to the other words and symbols. In the example MAN is in MOON, so it is the man in the moon.                 



 Often attention is drawn to some part of the picture, often by an arrow or underlining, indicating that this is where we should be looking for the clue. Here the arrow points to the first AID, and thus the answer is first aid.     



 Unusually large or small words or symbols may be used to convey concepts like big, large, small, wide, etc. For example, the rebus puzzle on the right represents big deal.



 If a word or symbol is not printed in black, then you can expect the color to be a relevant in the solution. More difficult rebus puzzles may make use of somewhat more obscure colour names like scarlet or beige. In this fairly easy example CHEESE is blue; it is blue cheese.



 The device of number is frequently exploited, due to the closeness in sound of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, etc. to other English words. This cryptic example shows 4 GOT 10 HEROES, and so the answer is forgotten heroes.


Posted March 17, 2010 by scriven in Uncategorized

a language for all   Leave a comment

A language is a systematic means of communication by the use of sounds or conventional symbols. It is the code we all use to express ourselves and communicate to others. It is a communication by word of mouth. It is the mental faculty or power of vocal communication. It is a system for communicating ideas and feelings using sounds, gestures, signs or marks.

Over the years, English language has become one of the principal assets in getting a global leadership for any country. It has become an important medium to communicate and interact with other people throughout the globe.

In the Philippines, English is the dominant language in business, government, the legal system, medicine, the sciences and education. Most textbooks and reference materials in the Philippines are written in English. These only show the big influence of English not only here but also around the world.

For more views and discussions about the English language, just visit Philippine Journal of Linguistics at

Posted March 7, 2010 by scriven in Uncategorized