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Let me save you from the usual blog information overload. This is going to be a short but informative game. Run through the questions slowly. Afterwards, if you are still interested, you may look for the correct answers on the Internet but not until you try to answer them by yourself first based on personal stored information. It’s best to be informed. These may also serve as ice breakers or introductions to topics for the day’s lessons and discussions. Or they may be additional information worth knowing, you never know when you will need them. Good luck! Enjoy!

1. Who fought the 100 years war?

2. What was the period that Maximilien de Robespierre ruled France called?

3. What is the scientific name for the Northern Lights?

4. The word Dinosaur is taken from two Greek words, what do they mean?

5. What does REM stand for?

6. What was the name of the artistic community Mark Twain Lived in?

7. What will appear next in our skies in 2061?

8. What is rock star Sting’s real name?

9. A nulliparous woman hasn’t done what?

10. What does the word “decimate” actually mean?

11. What newspaper do the Flintstones read?

12. What is the capital of Cambodia?

13. What does the Latin term tempus fugit mean?

14. What was developed during the Manhattan Project?

15. What do the letters MGM stand for in Hollywood?

16. What is non-rhyming poetry called?

17. What was the most famous checkpoint between East and West Berlin?

18. What is the literal English translation for China’s Tienanmen Square?

19. Who is the founder of The Reader’s Digest?

20. What film did the Beatles make for television?

21. What is the common name for aerophones?

22. The word ‘brandy’ comes from the Dutch word brandwijn, what does it mean?

23. In a Spanish bar, what are tapas?

24. What was Disney’s first full length animated feature?

25. What is the chalice used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper called?

26. What are Blenheim, Lord Derby and Peas good?

27. What French term describes the forcible takeover of a government from within?

28. How does James Bond take his martinis?

Congratulations! Watch out for more blog information overload saviors on, of course, my blog.

Posted September 22, 2010 by scriven in Uncategorized

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